A Secure Cyberspace

A Secure Cyberspace

Eswatini Computer Incidence Response Team

A Secure Cyberspace

A Secure Cyberspace

A Secure Cyberspace

A Secure Cyberspace

Password Protection

Password Protection

Intercepting them as they are transmitted over the network.

Software Updates

Why Software Updates Matter

Our computers, tablets and phones are great devices to have. But for all the benefit they bring us, they also leave us exposed to cyber threats. Our devices contain a ton of information about our online activities, personal data and even our banking and financial information. That’s why we need to keep them safe from cyber threats. If you protect your devices, you protect yourself. And one of the best – and easiest – ways to protect your device is to regularly update your software.

How software updates can help protect you

Because your operating system manages all the functionality on your computer, it can be a vulnerable target for hackers. Operating systems have many built-in functions to help prevent attacks. The problem is, though, that cyber threats are constantly changing. That’s why operating system providers regularly offer operating system updates: To keep on top of changing threats from cyber criminals. If you don’t update your OS, you leave yourself vulnerable to losing the information on your device or compromising access to key accounts. That can cost you your identity, your information and even money.

So, how can you protect yourself? Software updates.


Software updates are about a lot more than just getting the latest features for your device or computer. They have important updates that allow you to keep you – and your device – safe from cyber threats. Ensure you’re staying cyber secure by ensuring your operating system is always up-to-date.